International Health Conference - King's College London 2016
2018 International Health Congress                             28th - 30th June 2018                                                     

We are delighted to announce that Special Interest Groups will be organised during lunch time on Friday, June 29. Special Interest Groups will be relaxed meetings of delegates interested in a particular research area. Their purpose is to enable the discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers of different backgrounds and even foster prospective collaborations among delegates. The Special Interest Groups are free for all delegates to attend.

Each Special Interest Group will be convened by a delegate whose work corresponds to the broad research area of the group. Conveners will introduce the topic of the group by giving a brief description of their own research on this subject area as a means to open the discussion. They will then invite other participants in the group to talk about their research projects at present and their prospects in the future.  

The Special Interest Groups and their conveners are:

Health Economics (Mordan Hall)

Dr Péter Elek

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary

Public Health (Hamlin Room 1)

Dr Andrés Noé

Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Bangkok, Thailand, University of Oxford, Oxford UK

Health Management (Hamlin Room 2)

Dr David Ranney, Dr Adolphe Edward

El Centro Regional Medical Center, El Centro, USA

Health Policy (Dobbs Room 1)

Miss Harini Swaminathan

IITB-Monash Research Academy, Mumbai, India, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Mental Health (Dobbs Room 2)

Dr Robert Whitley

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Research Utilization (Maplethorpe Seminar Room)

Dr Urška Čebron

Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA

Delegates will be able to bring the packages with their lunch with them inside the rooms.  

International Health Conference
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